A newborn lifestyle session is completely different than at the studio. First of all, it is done in the comfort of your own home. Secondly, there is very little posing or props involved. Moments happen organically, as they do in real life, and I’m there to document them so that you can look back 6 months, 12 months, 10 years from now and remember those early days of when your baby fit into the nook of your arm or slept for hours on end on your chest.

I’ve heard some hesitation with lifestyle shoots like, “The lighting isn’t good enough” or “Our home isn’t decorated” but all of that is workable and sometimes even welcome. I’m there to document your life in real time. Below, I’ve included some tips on how to help you prepare for your lifestyle newborn shoot. I also send out a questionnaire and correspond with all of my clients so that we both know what to expect come session day. That also gives us another opportunity to address any concerns that you might have.

Find the light. Watch the light in your home, specifically in areas where we plan to shoot the most (typically this includes the living room/family room, nursery, and master bedroom). Shut the lights off in your home and see when you have the most natural light in each of these rooms. That will help us determine what time of day will be best to photograph in.

Let go of imperfect. Let go of the idea of having a “picture perfect” house (you just had a baby or you’re about to) and picture perfect siblings. I’m there to capture your life in real time. I don’t want your child looking at the camera. Babies cry and kids run around. That is life and that is your life right now. Embrace the chaos and don’t stress out about it. There’s beauty in every moment.

Pick your outfits carefully. There are some instances where wording on a t-shirt works. But trying to get a toddler to sit still so that we can see his “big brother” t-shirt may be an impossible feat. Neutrals tend to photograph best in home. Pair simple basics with texture and overlays. I typically tell moms to plan their outfits first and then coordinate the family’s outfit around that. If you want to infuse bold colors into your session, kids and accessories are where it’s done best. Another thing to think about is nail polish. While I love a fun and bold manicure, it can be distracting when it comes to newborn photographs, so try to keep the nails as natural as possible.

Relax and have fun! This is your family so relax! The camera knows when you’re tense, so just relax and pretend like there’s no one else there. I will let you know if I need you to look at the camera.

Want some tips on how to take your own newborn photos at the hospital? Click HERE to download my free guide!

Sam and Ian welcomed baby Jax toward the end of December! By far, the best Christmas gift anyone could ever receive. He was absolutely perfect during the session and barely made a sound. Sam and Ian, you two have this parenting thing down! Congrats again on your baby boy, he’s absolutely precious!

Milwaukee Family Photographer
Milwaukee Family Photographer
Milwaukee Family Photographer
Milwaukee Family Photographer
Milwaukee Family Photographer

To the many, many families I was able to serve over the course of the year. THANK YOU! Thank you for trusting me with your families’ most cherished memories and for giving me the opportunity to laugh, play and run around with your little ones.

Wisconsin Wedding Photographer
Intimate Wedding Photographer
Milwaukee Wedding Photographer
Milwaukee Wedding Photographer
Milwaukee Wedding Photographer

To all of the lovely married couples and engaged couples…THANK YOU!!! Taylor and Kyle, you will forever hold a special place in my heart as being my first ever wedding. Thank you to all of this year’s couples who trusted me with documenting their most important day. For booking me and putting your faith in me when I had yet to shoot a single wedding.

If I had to choose one word to describe 2017, it would be incredible. Never did I think a long time hobby could turn into something like this. I’m so excited for 2018 and can’t wait to work with more wonderful families and couples. Thank you to all of my clients, my family and other seasoned photographers for all of your love, support and advice! 2017 wouldn’t have been this amazing without all of you!

Little Stella made her way into this world and our hearts on July 8th. She couldn’t be any more perfect and is such a wonderful addition to our little girl clan. My two girls absolutely love their new baby cousin and I can tell they’re going to be best buddies. My sister and her fiancé didn’t skip a beat when it came to their new roles as parents. They are both naturals and Stella hit the parent jackpot with these two. Congratulations Melissa and Victor, your baby girl is absolutely perfect.

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Sarah and Mark waited for years to be blessed with a beautiful baby. So imagine their excitement when they found out this past winter that Sarah was pregnant! After months of riding the high of pure joy that comes from finding out you’re about to be new parents, their world turned upside down early February. It was then that they found out that their little Sweet Pea, (a nickname they had given the baby) had spina bifida, a condition that affects the spinal cord.

Audra Mae entered the world on May 5th. She was a little fighter from the very beginning and I have had the honor of following along with Mark and Sarah’s journey. They started a Facebook group for their family and friends to follow along with what’s going on with Audra Mae. I’ve read nearly every post, cried happy tears for this couple, and prayed lots of prayers for their little girl. I truly believe that God gives his most special angels to the most deserving parents. These two have handled their “new normal” incredibly and Audra Mae couldn’t have been put in better hands. During their session, Mark played chanting monks on his phone to get Audra to sleep. He said he had watched a YouTube video about how to help sooth babies while he was in the NICU with his new daughter and chanting Monks is what worked.

Congratulations you Sarah & Mark! She is beautiful and was such a treat to work with. Sending lots of love and prayers your way!


Luke and Lynda welcomed baby Carmen into the world on April 5th and she could not be any more sweeter. I was overseas when I heard that Lynda had her baby and I was hoping that she would contact me when I got home to take pictures of their sweet little girl. Luke and Lynda are such wonderful, caring people. Their love and affection for each other is palpable and they were completely natural and comfortable in front of the camera. Little Carmen is extremely blessed to have such two loving parents. I’m looking forward to capturing more family photos of them in the near future.