Mother’s Day Tribute-Week 1

In celebration of Mother’s Day this month (May 13th to be exact!) I wanted to highlight 4 moms that I think are doing an AMAZING job! Each Monday  this month, I will be interviewing a mom who I feel has a unique story that I want to share with the world. Each post will feature an interview, along with some cute pictures of her with the kiddos.

To start things off, I interviewed my own mom! This woman right here is so amazing, I don’t think the Internet has the capacity to hold everything that I could say about her. She’s an incredible mom (and Grandma) to my two girls, along with my niece. She raised two girls on her own and has accomplished so much and has shown me first hand that anything you put your mind to is possible. I’m so proud of her and I love seeing my girls with her. I had so much fun sitting at my kitchen table, sipping wine and interviewing her. Scroll down to read it and stay tuned in the upcoming weeks for more tributes to awesome moms!

Me: As a mom (and grandma) what has been your biggest accomplishment? 

Mom: My biggest accomplishment has been raising you two girls and watching you two grow up and become the women that you are. But not only that, watching you become moms yourself has been so incredible to watch. It’s truly been a blessing.

Me: If you could go back now and tell your young mom self something about parenting, what would it be? 

Mom: Hmm. I think I would tell myself not to sweat the small stuff and that time goes by so fast so just to enjoy every moment and to cherish the time and phase of life that you girls were in.

Me: What are some challenges that you see moms today facing that you didn’t have to think about when we were growing up? Mom: The need to be, or appear to be the “perfect mom”. You know, people want everything to appear to be perfect on Facebook or social media and that’s just not the case. Society puts a lot of pressure on moms nowadays to be perfect and there’s no such thing. To have the pressure of the perfect birthdays, and dinners while working and still taking care of your house. It sounds exhausting!

Me: What was your mom right about? 

Mom: OooO….she thinks…can we come back to this question? haha! She always told me to spend more time with you kids and that you will grow up in the blink of an eye and I will have wished I had this time back.

Me: What advice would you give younger/newer moms today?

Mom: Don’t sweat the small stuff. That whatever you’re going through right now is just a phase and won’t last forever. To spend time with them whenever you can but also to remember it’s not about the quantity of time, but rather the quality.


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